Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In a moment of sheer determination, Lydia decided she wanted to walk - without therapists or equipment. She began crawling out of bed and planting her feet on the floor, ready to walk. Thankfully, I was there to steady her, and help her because she can't walk on her own yet. She requires a lot of assistance.
In her confused and agitated state, she wants to do many things on her own and doesn't realize that she can't. Her desperation to do things independently makes her dangerous. Her legs are full of bruises from lashing out or trying. She is strong and quick. While we are thankful for her increasing mobility, it is challenging to keep her safe. She requires constant supervision by one who is stronger than she is. A month ago, her younger brothers or cousins could be called upon to "babysit Lydia". No longer is that a safe option at this time in her recovery. Weekends home will be more challenging. We invite you to pray for Lydia and us in this regard. Pray for sleep for Lydia at night too, please.
All of these changes denote progress, and so we are thankful for this stage because it means healing is taking place.
We are praying Psalm 91:1, 4
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will REST in the shadow of the Almighty.
He will cover you with his feathers,
And under his wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.