Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lydia is settling well into Holland Bloorview.  Today she went to a music room with 5 others, and was given a keyboard that could sit on the tray that attaches to her wheelchair.  Her fingers were placed on the keys, and then the recreation therapist played, with her hands over top of Lydia's, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!  Great stimuli for our little piano player!  (Not so little, everyone remarks how tall she must be!  She does look long sitting in her wheel chair.)
Lydia was moving around a lot today - knees up to her chin even!  She is encouraged by her therapists, and one today said that she "had high hopes for Lydia".  Yeah, Lydia!  You keep working hard to learn it all over again.  We all have high hopes for you.  We ask God to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to His power, that is at work within us.
The highlight of today was seeing Lydia's joy at seeing her brothers.  She smiled broadly, and she even laughed a few times.  Laughing for Lydia does not have a sound, only the bright eyes, body shakes and great open mouth that accompany a laugh.  She enjoyed their antics!  We loved being together as a family again.  It happens so rarely these days, so we treasure it all the more.