Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lydia's MRI results came back clear for any fluid or spinal complications, so they removed her neck collar today! How much more comfortable that must be for her! Her neck muscles are very weak, from a month in the collar, and probably she suffered whip lash from being thrown on May 17. Today, when she sat in her wheel chair for two hours, he head needed to be held up. In one month, she has lost a lot of muscle tone - everywhere in her body. I don't know if she has the strength to lift, even if she wanted to, her heavy, casted lower legs.

Lydia has developed a rash all over her body - it is worse on her back. We are uncertain what has caused it. The hospital dermatologists will be looking at it on Monday.

With the exception of her feeding tube, she is free of machines. She looks like our girl sleeping - and sleeping some more. She is cocooned in light and warmth. Tonight, she had her eyes partially open, for a short period, and her facial expression seemed to show fear and uncertainty. We did our best to explain about the accident, and where she is, and that her body is healing from the injuries. We assured her that we were with her, and that God was always with her, whispering to her in her cocoon of his love for her. "Fear not", we said. Her face softened as she closed her eyes to rest again. So we pray for rest, and for gentle and peaceful awakenings when they come.

We have learned that seldom does an unconscious person wake up all at once. "Instead, the process of waking up from a coma is often long. Waking up depends on how badly the brain has been injured. The levels of coma tend to lighten and deepen, and then lighten again for different lengths of time. Usually a person with a brain injury wakens little by little. The process is different for every child and can take days to months. Not every child wakes up. " (taken from the Sick Kids Booklet for parents Recovering from Brain Injury)

My desire is to omit the last line from that paragraph, and believe that in time, Jesus will announce to Lydia: Talitha Koum, which means "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" These are the words that Jesus spoke to Jairus' daughter, as He raised her back to life. Earlier in this passage in Mark 5:21-43, when Jairus hears the news that his daughter is dead, Jesus says to him "Don't be afraid; just believe." How often we need to remind ourselves to not fear the future, but to believe. The One who can raise the dead, can heal Lydia and return her to us. We trust Him. In his power, and in His time, our prayer is that he shall say to Lydia "Talitha Koum".